Page 27 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 27

.Program concepts                                           25

               Noise level measurements via digital interface or sound card
               Online  monitoring  of  the  measurement  with  indication  of  the  level
               statistics values
               Monitoring of long-term measurements (as Continuous monitoring option
               and Monitor option)
                    Specification of separate day, evening and night trigger thresholds
                    Triggering based on sound level or meteorology curve
                    Measurement  including  audio  and/or  image  recording  for
                     clarification of disputed noise events
                    Automatic information about email messages received
                    Automatic sending of measurement data as email attachment
                    Data backup/sequence control: specification of intervals for saving
                     measurement data
               Fast evaluation according to TA-Lärm 98, consisting of the time history
               of noise levels and bar max levels, level statistics list, and bar max level
               Special evaluation options can be used, e.g., “noisiest hour of the night”,
               search for level exceedances, hiding of interference levels, definition of
               positive and negative adjustments, etc.
               Importing/exporting ASCII data sets
               Automatic start of NOISY and the measurement by way of the Autostart
               Third and octave calculation from audio wave records
               Determination  of  the  tone  adjustment  in  accordance  with  DIN  45681
               Multi-project evaluation: evaluation comprising a series of measurements
               Set markers automatically
               Use of GPS receivers to determine the measurement position
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