Page 30 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 30

28                                               2 Program concepts

            2.2.3  Software
            The software NOISY – with optional detection of confidence intervals of
            percentile levels and noise separation – has been developed for entry of the
            percentile level types L1 , L5 , L50 , L70 , L90 , L95 , L99  and of the limits
            of  their  confidence  levels  by  means  of  measurement  instruments  in  Online
            operation.  During  the  measurement,  the  percentile  level  types  and  their
            confidence intervals are indicated and output via screen and printer.
            The measuring software NOISY comprises the criterion substantiated in [1]
            which requires to find out whether the output measured value is meaningful at
            all, i.e., whether both confidence intervals for the exceedance ratio q can be
            specified in the value range defined for them. If this criterion is not met, no
            confidence interval is output.

            2.2.4  Measuring examples for noise immissions
            Below,  some  examples  for  typical  noise  immission  situations  are  described
            together with their curve in time and the magnitude of the potentially present
            measurement  uncertainties.  The  examples  illustrate  the  basic  situation  for
            application  of  this  online  monitoring  with  measurement  instruments  to
            quality-controlled noise separation by means of short-time measurements.
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