Page 22 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 22

20                                                    1 Installation

            “Event  database”  dialog  box:  “Check  maximum  value:”  button.  A  value  of
            “0” stands for “No”, a value of “1” for “Yes”.
            “Event database” dialog box: “Check maximum value (min:)” input field.
            “Event database” dialog box: “Check maximum value (max:)” input field.
            “Event  database”  dialog  box;  “Lmax/Check  SEL  ratio:”  button.  A  value  of
            “0” stands for “No”, a value of “1” for “Yes”.
            “Event database” dialog box; “Lmax/Check SEL ratio (min:)” input field.
            “Event database” dialog box; “Lmax/Check SEL ratio (max:)” input field.
            “Event database” dialog box: “Check Leq:” button. A value of “0” stands for
            “No”, a value of “1” for “Yes”.
            “Event database” dialog box: “Check Leq (min:)” input field.
            “Event database” dialog box: “Check Leq (max:)” input field.

            1.2.8  Noisy server
            While  an  online  measurement  is  in  progress,  the  sound  level  value  can  be
            retrieved via the “Noisy server”. If, e.g., Noisy is started with the program line
            parameter  “/Server:5025”,  Noisy  starts  a  server  which  can  be  prompted  to
            issue the current sound level value from outside via the Internet. The “5025”
            example number specifies the corresponding server port.
            If the server receives the “NOISYLEVEL” command, the server transmits the
            “NOISYLEVEL,0,Level= 42.4” reply (example). The “level” the server feeds
            back is a 1-second maximum value.
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