Page 29 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 29

.Program concepts                                           27

            the cumulative frequency functions, su, sw stand for the standard deviation of
            ui ,  wi; tf;1-/2 stand  for the quantile of the Student's t-distribution [1]  with
            degree of freedom f = n-1.

                                  S c h a l l d r u c k p e g e l           L (t )
                                                 w i
               P e r z e n t i l p e g e l

            L q

                                       w 1                    w n

                                               u i
               0                     [ % ]     1 0 0  T
                                                                    Z e i t

            About  the  definition  of  the  parameters  specifying  the  percentile  confidence
            interval from the level trend

            The exceedance ratio q in the percentile level Lq results from the totaling of
            the individual exceedance intervals wi over the whole measurement time T,
            while ui stands for the individual non-exceedance intervals.
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