Page 38 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 38

36                                               2 Program concepts

                  Automatic  generation  of  backup  copies  (see  Create  backup  copy
                  automatically) e.g., on a portable USB mass storage device (stick or
                  hard disk)
                  Extended  options  for  automatic  saving  of  a  measurement  (Non-
                  recurrent,  Hourly,  Daily,  Weekly  and  Monthly,  see  Save
                  Automatic  execution  of  list  evaluation  after  completion  of
                  measurement (incl. meteorology statistics)

               Option 6: NOISY module “Meteorology”
               You may want to record weather data parallel to performing sound level
               measurements.  This  recording  of  meteorological  data  is  made  possible
               with this option.
               The significant functions of this option are:
                  Activation of the ASCII stream weather station via serial interface
                  Up to 12 weather sensors can be defined (depending on the hardware)
                  Classification of the wind direction (either 10° or 30° sectors)
                  Data sampling rate from one second to one hour (in increments of one
                  Threshold  value  triggering  via  the  meteorology  channels

               Option 7: NOISY module “Frequency analysis”
               With the frequency analysis option, you can extend your NOISY with a
               frequency analysis tool. This allows you to determine the frequency ratios
               at any given moment in your sound level trend.
                  Recording  the  sound  pressure  signal  as  an  audio  wave  file  via  the
                  sound card
                  Determination  of  the  third-octave  and  octave  spectra  from  the  time
                  signal data of the audio file in accordance with the cursor position in
                  the sound level trend
                  Documentation by means of the clipboard (export of graph or text)
                  Normalization of the amplitude of the third spectrum by means of the
                  corresponding  total  level  in  the  sound  level  or  specification  of  a
                  reference level correction
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