Page 35 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 35

.Program concepts                                           33

            2.2.5  Potential applications
            Thanks to the small confidence intervals, this measurement technology is not
            only useful for quality monitoring but also for:
               Quality-controlled measurement of noise levels, e.g., in connection with
               TA Lärm.
               Thanks to quality control, high-resolution separation of system noise and
               external noise by means of short-time measurements. Resolution limit up
               to 10 dB under the external noise L50.
               Quality-controlled  short-term  level  difference  measurement  for
               architectural acoustics, in particular for heavily fluctuating noises
               Quality-controlled measurement of loudness.

            2.2.6  Literature
            [1]  VDI  Directive  3723  Sheet  1:  Application  of  statistical  methods  for  the
            description of variating ambient noise levels. May 1993. Beuth-Verlag, 10772
            [2]  Heiß, A.: Der Vertrauensbereich des Perzentilpegels (Statistikpegels) bei
            Echtzeit-Schallmessungen. Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA '95, Saarbrücken
            March '95, 679–682.
            [3]  Heiß,  A.  und  Krapf,  K.-G.:  Online-Bestimmung  der  Perzentilstreuung
            von Geräuschimmissionen. Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA '97, Kiel March
            '97, 271–272.
            [4]  Heiß,  A.  und  Krapf,  K.-G.:  Perzentil-Vertrauensbereiche,  gemessen  für
            typische Geräuschimmissionssituationen, Fortschritte der Akustik, DAGA '98,
            Zurich March '98
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