Page 44 - Noisy-User-Manual-2017-en
P. 44

42                                               2 Program concepts

            2.4  Tutorial
            Let's do a test measurement together to get to know the simple operation of
            A first full run of a measurement is briefly explained in the following.
               Do  not  connect  a  sound  level  meter  to  execute  this  simple
               “measurement  task”.  We  are  using  the  NOISY  option  to  simulate
               measurements. During installation, a suitable demo data record has been
               copied to the NOISY directory.
               Start NOISY. You are in the main menu now.
               In Input  | Project and Input | Statistics,  select  your desired  Settings.
               For a start, do not change anything but just look at the options. Later on,
               you can “play” with the settings and simulate measurements.
               Go  to  the  central  Measurement  menu  via  Measurement  |  Online.  Just
               click the “Start” button and observe your first NOISY measurement on
               the screen.
               You  are  a  little  disappointed  that  so  little  information  is  shown  on  the
               screen?  Well  then!  Click  the  “Stop”  button  to  discontinue  the
               measurement and activate “Parameter online display”   . Change the
               indicated  level  range  to  30  dB  to  80dB.  Then  click  “OK”  to  quit  the
               menu and select  “Parameter statistics”   . What  would  you like to
               see? Maybe first the Leq curve? All right, click the small “Curve” box –
               a check mark will appear. Then, go to  “Percentiles” (upper menu bar)
               and  select  for  example  the  curves  of  L5  as  peak  level  (5%  percentile
               level) and of L99 as background level. To do so, click the check boxes –
               the check marks appear to show you that your input has been understood.
               Confirm with “OK” and click “Start”. The measurement starts with the
               selected information in the curve of the sound level. You will agree – this
               is  not  complicated,  and  there  are  a  large  number  of  options.  Is  your
               analyzer as easy to use as that? Oh but wait, it is an expensive measuring
               instrument, it should be complicated to operate and not everybody should
               be able to use it! All joking aside…
               Note:  One  thing  you  should  bear  in  mind:  If  you  confirm  with  “OK”
               after  clicking  the  “Stop”  button  and  entering  the  “Online  display
               parameters” or the “Statistical parameters”, the current measurement
               data will be reset, i.e., deleted, even if you have not changed the data. To
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