Current and finished MECH research projects at Wölfel


The project "enableATO" at RailCampus OWL, funded with 12.5 million euros by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, focuses on developing technologies for automated rail transport in rural areas.


The JoinDT project is developing a method for damage-tolerant design of bonded and welded joints in fiber-reinforced composite structures for the aerospace industry. The goal is to account for pre-damage from impact and fatigue simulations, improve the design process, and minimize the need for physical testing.



At the moment, you will only find a small selection of our research projects here. But this will change! Gradually, we will continue to add more research projects. So feel free to check back later.

Please contact us personally


We will be pleased to inform you about our finished and current research projects and are at your disposal for any inquiries regarding new research activities.

Dr. rer. nat. Herbert Friedmann

+49 170 - 850 97 35


Geosciences at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Academic Degree

Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

Expert Committee SHM of DGzfP

Expert Committee Ecology and Management of River Basins of DWA


Professional Motto

"Desire and diligence can find paths hidden even under snow, and a bold start makes the impossible possible. Do great mountains block the way? Freshly dared, you will get over them. The difficulties are dwarfs, but you are a giant.", G. Ph. Telemann

Working at Wölfel

As so-called "Wölfel pensioner", I am still working because I enjoy my work in an intellectually open-minded environment and a very pleasant working atmosphere.

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Nuber

+49 931 49708-365


Study of physics at the universities of Würzburg and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Academic Degree

Intermediate Diploma (2003) University of Würzburg
Master of Science (2005), Rutgers
Dr. rer. nat. (2011), University of Würzburg

Committee Activity

Advisory Board of the Test Centre Support Structures Hanover
Head of the Maritime Measurement & Environmental Technology Section of the Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V. (Society for Maritime Technology).

Professional Motto

"In order for the possible to come into being, the impossible must be attempted again and again."(Hermann Hesse)


Working at Wölfel

Always new exciting research projects with excellent teams and a great working atmosphere.

Thomas Rief

+49 931 49708-368


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University (Corvallis, USA)
Dipl.-Ing. in Materials Science, Saarland University

Academic Degree

See above

Professional Motto

The work that pleases us becomes a pleasure.

Working at Wölfel

The colleagues are all very warm and open.


Geosciences at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Academic Degree

Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

Expert Committee SHM of DGzfP

Expert Committee Ecology and Management of River Basins of DWA


Professional Motto

"Desire and diligence can find paths hidden even under snow, and a bold start makes the impossible possible. Do great mountains block the way? Freshly dared, you will get over them. The difficulties are dwarfs, but you are a giant.", G. Ph. Telemann

Working at Wölfel

As so-called "Wölfel pensioner", I am still working because I enjoy my work in an intellectually open-minded environment and a very pleasant working atmosphere.


Study of physics at the universities of Würzburg and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Academic Degree

Intermediate Diploma (2003) University of Würzburg
Master of Science (2005), Rutgers
Dr. rer. nat. (2011), University of Würzburg

Committee Activity

Advisory Board of the Test Centre Support Structures Hanover
Head of the Maritime Measurement & Environmental Technology Section of the Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V. (Society for Maritime Technology).

Professional Motto

"In order for the possible to come into being, the impossible must be attempted again and again."(Hermann Hesse)


Working at Wölfel

Always new exciting research projects with excellent teams and a great working atmosphere.


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University (Corvallis, USA)
Dipl.-Ing. in Materials Science, Saarland University

Academic Degree

See above

Professional Motto

The work that pleases us becomes a pleasure.

Working at Wölfel

The colleagues are all very warm and open.