Noisy Customer area

Here you can find updates, device drivers and actual documentation on Noisy.

Downloads Noisy

Noisy is up to date in version 2023-01. Please download your personal version using the following link:

Noisy User manual

Please contact me personally


I will be happy to advise you on any questions concerning our Measurement and evaluation software Noisy.

Steffen Schmitt


2005-2009: Apprenticeship as mechatronics technician
2012-2014: Certified industrial foreman mechatronics (IHK)
2012-2014: Certified industrial foreman in electrical engineering (IHK)
2015-2018: Certified Technical Business Administrator (IHK)

Professional Motto

For me, two topics are in the foreground - the customer and the product. Because without a good, innovative product, there are no customers - and without satisfied, loyal customers, there is no progress and no development for the product.

Working at Wölfel

Through my work at Wölfel, I was not only able to learn a lot professionally, but also to get to know many great people all over Germany - and even make friends.